Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Serve Sambal Pecal Sedap

How to Serve Sambal Pecal Sedap


A. To be boiled.
kangkung (Convolvulus)
bean sprouts
long beans

B. To be cut/shredded into small pieces.
sengkuang (jicama)

C. To be fried.

Serve Sambal Pecal Sedap:

Take a portion of the Sambal Pecal Sedap mixture and mix it with 3/4 cup of hot water.  The amount of water to use depends on how thick the paste that you need. If it is too watery, it will not be so tasty.

In another plate combine small portion of each vegetables and pour the Sambal Pecal Sedap paste on top of it. The amount depends on your taste. The more paste you put into the vegetables mixture the better it will taste.

Serve it with warm white rice and fried fish or other dishes you wish. Or you can just it alone. :)

Enjoy your eating!

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